Norazo's 'Wild Horse' MV earns worldwide attention?

Article: Norazo to make the next world advancement after Psy? 'Wild Horse' receives an explosive response!

Sports World via Naver

1. [+720, -3] I hope no one thinks Norazo is riding on Psy's popularity ㅋ Norazo was made for this path, they are masters of their work

2. [+451, -7] I always knew Norazo had what it took for the world stage... They have such a distinctive style to their music

3. [+308, -7] They have a chance at the world stage. Go!!!!!!!

4. [+277, -3] It's about time Norazo hit daebak... Their recent MV is awesome.

5. [+261, -4] I hope they do well ㅋㅋ

6. [+77, -1] Their concept may seem funny but they're really talented

7. [+64, -2] I have a foreigner in my class who hates K-Pop so I made him listen to a Norazo song and he thought it was fun. Even downloaded it to make his parents listen to it ㅋ

8. [+56, -3] Norazo has a strong presence and they're talented so what's not to work? Do well~^^
