Hyorin holds her solo showcase

Article: 'Comeback show' Hyorin, solo singer - 23 year old Kim Hyo Jung shows all of her charms

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+319, -38] She should change her spread leg dance... It's a bit embarrassing to watch, especially if she's going to keep doing it throughout her promotions. Why don't they restrict choreographies? I can't help but think singers are crossing the line lately... I do like her vocals, however.

2. [+305, -33] Hyorin, stick to singing and don't come out on variety shows

3. [+277, -46] Her face scares me for some reason when she smiles... it's weird.

4. [+243, -30] Am I the only one who thinks that she's making her stages more and more like Beyonce???!

5. [+229, -46] She's a great singer but I just can't bring myself to like her ㅋㅋ

6. [+62, -11] She really should've stopped when people were calling her cool.. Now that she's crossed the line, she's getting hateful comments.

7. [+56, -6] I like Hyorin and she's a great singer but... I really wish she'd stop going straight faced.

8. [+58, -13] An example of someone who really can't manage their image. I'm a guy and even I'm uncomfortable watching her.

9. [+71, -26] That outfit... It looked nice on Beyonce but I don't think an Asian can pull it off because of the short waist.
