Businessman holds a one man protest asking for the reunification of TVXQ

Reader request.


Article: CEO of a Korean restaurant holds a one man petition for the reunification of TVXQ in Myungdong

Source: Herald Econ via Naver

Myungdong's restaurants relied on Japanese tourists for their businesses. The drop in tourists led to a lot of restaurants either closing down, cutting costs, or switching to other industries altogether. Hundreds to thousands of employees are said to have lost their jobs.

"The biggest issue seems to be the deteriorating relations in historical and governmental issues." Also, during 2008-2009, the years when TVXQ were the most active, Myungdong was booming business wise until their disbandment. The man hopes that they will reunite and become leaders in cultural communication between Korea and Japan.

The man researched customers and found that TVXQ's Japanese popularity had a synergistic effect with the rise in business in Myungdong. "TVXQ's disbandment was the equivalent to a national treasure being lost or a large-scale company disintegrating."


1. [+125, -11] I don't want TVXQ getting back together because of external reasons like this. I want them to reunite only when every single member wants to and when the situation is fit. I don't think it's right that you ask the group to reunite for your own personal benefit. As a fan myself who wishes for their reunification, this protest does not sit well with me.

2. [+114, -10] What I find funny is that even after the lawsuit, TVXQ has still been gaining a lot of Japanese fans. Their fanclub members have increased by a lot. I don't think business is doing bad simply because they split up.

3. [+91, -0] I think he should change the message of his protest to have TVXQ promote more in Korea. TVXQ needs to promote in Korea for foreigners to visit the country more. Also realistically, Myungdong is not an economic hot spot anymore, especially now that the major broadcasts and concert halls aren't in Seoul.

4. [+71, -15] They may be two now but the group was the best when they were five. Realistically, I know that a reunification is difficult and I don't think this is any issue that an ajusshi holding a one man protest is going to solve. I actually blame SM for this... They keep promoting TVXQ in Japan so fans have to go to Japan to see them. It's Japan that's profiting from them in the end.

5. [+51, -8] Seems to be more of an issue of whether TVXQ belongs to their personal fans or to the country... Fans might think who are you to make demands to TVXQ while the businessman thinks TVXQ should do it for the good of the country.

6. [+40, -1] Regardless of the issue, TVXQ seems to be amazing if businesses are going out just because of them.
