IU and T-ara's comebacks

Article: [The VS of the Week] This is the chance... 'hot comeback' IU vs T-ara

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+654, -29] ㅋㅋㅋ This is going too far, how could you put T-Trash and IU in the same article? IU may not be as big as she was during her three high notes days but she is not yet rock bottom like T-Trash, who's completely ignored by the entire public...

2. [+569, -26] IU has yet to drop to T-ara's level... Just go look at her teasers, they'll leave you speechless.

3. [+545, -22] Comparing her to pathetic T-ara? ㅋㅋ IU may have lost popularity but she hasn't dropped that low yet ㅋㅋ

4. [+39, -3] IU may be categorized as an idol but she's definitely not of the class to be treated at the same level as them

5. [+34, -1] Not an IU fan but this is not even worth a comparison. How could you compare IU to pathetic things like them?

6. [+29, -1] IU has not hit that rock bottom yet~!

7. [+29, -1] I don't like IU but T-ara loses in terms of music and vocal talent. Don't ever think you can win over IU tsk tsk.

8. [+28, -1] IU may not be what she used to be but she has the potential to get back there because of her vocal talent. As for T-ara... what a joke.
