Concerns rise for the growing number of 'Kopino' children

Article: 'The tears of Kopino'... where have the Korean fathers disappeared to?

Source: MBC via Naver

Article talks about the growing issue of 'Kopino' children in the Philippines (half Korean half Filipino), with numbers estimated to be in the 20,000 range. Kopino children are born to mothers who were abandoned by irresponsible Korean men who visit the country for work or vacation and leave despite impregnating women during their stay there.

1. [+1,604, -54] How heartbreaking for the child to have a father who only fulfills his own sexual needs before leaving without contact. I cannot imagine the pain these Filipino women must be in after marrying these men with trust. This is absolutely embarrassing for Korea.

2. [+1,368, -36] Human trash...

3. [+1,246, -57] This is not a recent issue, it has been an issue for several years now. Korean men are infamous for spreading their seeds in the Philippines before making a run for it. I briefly stayed in the Philippines 15 years ago and the Kopino issue was severe even then, it's just that now the issue has rotted to the point where people are finally taking notice.

4. [+960, -37] I hope all of these women win their lawsuits and get the money they deserve!!!! Please lawyers, help them!

5. [+391, -13] I had a Japanese friend who lived in the Philippines before and she asked me if I was aware of the Kopino issue... she said that there are several documentaries about it and Korean men are infamous there for impregnating women without responsibility... It's honestly so embarrassing for me that even the Japanese know about it.

6. [+365, -9] There are a lot of middle-aged Korean men in the Philippines ㅋㅋ They all have kids and even grandkids in Korea but they go to the Philippines on business trips and sleep around with teens ㅋ

7. [+333, -8] I'm embarrassed to be the same Korean as them

8. [+297, -6] An embarrassment to the country

9. [+253, -8] These men should be castrated

10. [+225, -7] Trash... I hate anyone who can throw away their own child.


Source: Nate

1. [+1,975, -45] 20,000 Kopino children????????? They're going to grow up to hate Korea... karma will come back to bite our country.

2. [+1,645, -143] Truly defines the meaning of 'Ugly Korean'. Korean women are out there prostituting themselves in other countries while Korean men are doing things like this... what a great representation of our country.

3. [+1,459, -110] Korea is truly the country of rape ㅋㅋㅋ They even do it in other countries

4. [+217, -9] An embarrassment to our country ㅡㅡ I bet half of those men are married too

5. [+204, -10] I hope they're able to track down every single one of those men and rip out all of the taxes and child expenses they owe. Such an embarrassment to the country... how could they live with themselves knowing they messed up the lives of a woman and a child.
