Comebacks everywhere

Article: Downpour of comeback stages start today... 9 teams coming out at once

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,017, -124] Let's start by excluding T-Trash

2. [+2,530, -101] Leave out T-ara

3. [+2,487, -190] Doesn't matter, they'll all become nobodies once Infinity Challenge releases their festival digital songs

4. [+2,561, -106] Is T-ara the name of a massage parlor?

5. [+499, -61] Realistically, it's more of a battle between IU and SHINee

6. [+381, -27] Only thing that matters is Infinity Challenge in October... The music industry basically needs to give up the digital charts for the rest of the year from this month onwards. Seems like the reason why everyone's making their comebacks now ??

7. [+342, -59] SHINee's back!!!

8. [+275, -23] I was excited for the comebacks until I started going down the list and reading all these unrecognizable names ??? What's AoA...?


Source: Nate

1. [+388, -25] No such war when they're all nobodies besides IU and SHINee ㅋㅋㅋ Oh yeah, and can't forget the nation's trash T-ara, although they're on nobody level now too ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+235, -50] Love all of the artists but especially looking forward to SHINee! Best live and dance, do well everyone!

3. [+255, -105] There's no war... it was SHINee >>> IU and the rest were irrelevant.
