TV: [Spoilers!!!] Dad! Where are you going?

Article: 'Dad', a touching 'I Love You' song sung by the fathers and their children

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+2,332, -39] I have a feeling Yoon Hoo will bring a girl to the 'special friend' episode next week ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,727, -33] They can make this the show's official song ^^

3. [+1,320, -26] Sa-sa-a-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa~ it's addictive ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+699, -83] I wasn't too fond of the ranch auntie today ㅠ She kept making her bias against Sung Dong Il obvious and it made Jun feel intimidated

5. [+552, -8] Yoon Min Soo really seems to like joking around. I want a friendly father like Yoon Min Soo~

6. [+545, -5] I just love the kids for not caring about the cameras..

7. [+508, -26] Min Guk's such a filial son~ I was touched when he nursed his sick dad ㅠ ㅠ

8. [+500, -20] Smooth charisma Jun, love you

9. [+415, -16] I was so glad Min Guk was by his father's side... washed his hair for him, controlled the water temperature, massaged his uninjured leg... I think it was an opportunity for him to mature. So proud of him.

10. [+357, -12] Thankful to Yoon Min Soo for composing a song perfect for the kids and loving the children for singing it so perfectly ♥
