Cho PD reveals he has no regrets with Block B

Article: [Interview] Cho PD confesses his feelings, "I have no regrets with Block B, I just hope the best for them"

X Sports News via Nate

1. [+648, -94] I lost all interest in them after hearing them talk in Thailand

2. [+617, -82] Cho PD wasn't the problem but the kids themselves for cutting down their image like that. They brought it upon themselves...

3. [+541, -76] I see it more as Block B digging their own graves as opposed to Cho PD's problem. Why would you clap with your feet in Thailand and cause all of this?

4. [+38, -2] Yeah, Block B looks like delinquents sometimes when I see them on TV...

5. [+28, -5] It's not Cho PD's problem but the Block B kids ruining their team image in Thailand and consequently failing as a group.

6. [+24, -4] The fault lies with Block B more than Cho PD...

7. [+19, -5] "You can see that SM's EXO has a lot of members but not one of them has any outstanding talents"

8. [+16, -7] He's playing with fire by mentioning EXO...

9. [+13, -0] What makes me sad is that he worked Block B to death when their Thailand scandal happened despite all of the hate they were getting and then used that money to promote EvoL ㅋㅋㅋ He never once put out a decent article for the group so they still get misunderstood and hated to this day.
