Woollim artists might attend SM's world tour?

Reader request.


Article: SM label, who's next after INFINITE? Interest UP

Source: OSEN via Naver

Article talks about insiders wondering whether SM is working on merging with other companies as well aside from Woollim. It also mentions that INFINITE and other Woollim artists will be attending the next SM Town World Tour.

1. [+92, -1] What the heck, why would they be added to the SM concert lineup ----------- That fu*kin pisses me off, please keep SM and SM C&C separate

2. [+74, -2] Keep them separate, I don't want them together

3. [+77, -8] Please just focus on Woollim

4. [+67, -0] I'll be so mad if they put them in SM's concerts ㅡㅡ Keep Woollim separate!!!

5. [+61, -1] Why in SM concerts? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ No really, why???

6. [+58, -0] Journalist, are you sure? I called Woollim to ask and they said that nothing's confirmed yet. Personally, I'm not for INFINITE, Nell, and Tasty attending SM's concert at all.. Woollim has their own color and SM has their own color. If Woollim joins that, everything will change and I'm sure fandoms will fight heavily...

7. [+42, -1] That concert talk is going too far

8. [+40, -1] Both Woollim and SM fans seem to be against this so why are they intent on putting in Woollim artists into SM's concerts;;;

8. [+46, -7] Let's please keep the concerts separate;;; SM, just stick to yourselves... Both fandoms don't want this!!!!!! Woollim and SM are so different in music style...
