TV: [Spoilers!!!] Let Beauty 3

Article: 'Let Beauty' Story of a daughter who gets beat up for resembling her mom revealed

Source: S
ports Seoul via Nate

Kim Ji Hyun (21) grew up being teased for her looks ever since she was little. Her father also beat her up on a regular basis for resembling her mother, who left the family. She lost her self esteem and battled depression as a result.

Her father said, "I don't even want to be reminded of a wife who left her family.. and seeing my daughter look like her made me take my anger out on her." He apologized after seeing her transformed face.


1. [+1,158, -7] Why are they focusing on trying to end the segment on a positive note with that stupid make up scene when what they should've been doing was throwing handcuffs on that father and throwing him in jail? Beating up a daughter for such a long period of time is a crime, why isn't he being arrested?

2. [+793, -17] How can he call himself her father when he took his anger out on her... He should've fixed her problems and let her get plastic surgery. What a useless being.

3. [+730, -11] I don't understand... I could never tell a father like that that I love him... But I'm glad that her mother's features are gone from her face now.

4. [+72, -0] I don't get how her father can change just like that just because his daughter's face has changed... Shouldn't fathers love their daughters no matter what they look like?

5. [+57, -2] What kind of a father is that? It's only after he sees her changed face that he reflects on his actions? And that daughter should've slapped his face hard... How can she forgive him after all he's put her through... I doubt she's actually healed inside no matter how pretty she's gotten.
