TV: Running Man + idol special

Article: [TV Zoom In] 'Running Man' is all about the guests?... "As if!"

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+582, -29] Everyone already knows that Running Man is way funnier with no guests and just the main cast.. ㅡㅡ The more screentime for the Monday couple, the better!

2. [+433, -15] Running Man was never about the guests;;; The episodes they failed were the ones where they forcefully fit guests into their format ㅠㅠ The cast works better on their own!

3. [+418, -55] Running Man is all about Yoo Jae Suk

4. [+315, -30] Running Man is never about the guests

5. [+293, -18] If you look at all of the good shows, they work because their main cast makes it work without the need for guests


Article: 'Running Man' to have an Idol daejun with a Chuseok special in Chungju... top groups galore

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+873, -35] It's never any fun when a bunch of idols come out on Running Man, why do they keep running these specials?

2. [+796, -59] They'd get better viewer ratings doing an IC vs Running Man special instead of idols

3. [+557, -19] Does the PD seriously think idols will make the show more fun? Even one or two are a bore, I'm not really feeling a whole pack of them

4. [+460, -19] Why is this a special? ㅠㅠ It will be boring. I've never seen a special with a bunch of idols do well.

5. [+126, -12] Holidays are a time when the family gets together. Why are these stupid broadcast channels still making the shows geared towards the teen audience?
