oh no Bom

Reader request.


Article: Park Bom's skin exposure in a swimsuit... sexier than a bikini

Source: TV Report via Nate [2]

1. [+306, -39] The lines in the background are blurred......... ㅜㅜ

2. [+287, -28] You can tell she photoshopped by the background next to her waist ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+134, -20] Looks like a beam could shoot out of the neon green in the middle

4. [+136, -34] Seems like she used the Photowonder app to shrink her thighs ㅋㅋㅋ Please!!! Everyone's so obsessed with showing their skin ㅠㅠ Upsetting... She's a singer who can show her talents through just singing alone...

5. [+109, -28] Look at the curved background because of the photoshop ㅎ Embarrassing

6. [+114, -39] Forget the photoshop, what's up with that bikini?
