IU's September comeback

Article: IU scheduled for a September comeback, can she overcome her drop in image and regain her honor?

Source: MBN TV via Nate

1. [+1,038, -99] Well honestly, she no longer has her old nation's little sister image... She should find a second image for herself with her vocal talent instead...

2. [+916, -143] It will be difficult for her to regain the image she had in the past... She needs to focus on creating a new image for herself. Not anything innocent but maybe something more mature and sexually open.

3. [+791, -362] Isn't she basically over....

4. [+92, -28] One thing's for sure, her innocence is gone

5. [+84, -28] Really shows that life only takes a moment to change everything

6. [+66, -20] As long as she doesn't continue with her old cute concept. It just won't work anymore.

7. [+41, -17] It's going to really depend on what type of concept she goes for...!!

8. [+38, -14] Regaining her old image is impossible so she should just sing to her heart's content and work on fixing her image slowly. Just don't disappoint the fans you have left.
