Ha Ji Won sets up her own one man agency

Article: Ha Ji Won kicks off her one man agency 'Sun and the Moon'

Source: Sports Korea via Naver

1. [+787, -28] Ha Ji Won's the best, I wish her much success

2. [+638, -61] Truly an actress without any antis, fighting

3. [+553, -21] I trust that Ha Ji Won will be able to do well with her one man agency ㅎㅎ Looking forward to her historical drama this year.

4. [+518, -22] Ha Ji Won deserves everything in the world. She's never had any useless scandals and is the best at acting... She has so much charm for her age as well.

5. [+494, -26] I often see people commenting about Ha Ji Won lacking any feminine charms but have you ever seen her in Hwang Jin Yi...? She was absolutely captivating, sucked you right in.

6. [+347, -16] She's awesome at historical drama acting and has such a great personality. One of the few celebrities I truly respect.

7. [+289, -12] Ha Ji Won manages herself so well as an actress unlike others who focus on getting spotlight for their bodies instead of their acting

8. [+214, -9] Ha Ji Won has more than enough to run her own agency since her brand value is so high~ I hope she continues to grow as an amazing actress

9. [+191, -10] I'd work in that company for free if Ha Ji Won was my boss
