Qri becomes the new leader of T-ara

Article: Qri is the new leader of T-ara! Baton touch with Soyeon

OSEN via Naver

1. [+624, -13] Taking turns being scarecrows... The real leader is Jiyeon anyway

2. [+507, -13] Leaders in this group are nothing but scarecrows... The real leader is that cyclops

3. [+390, -6] They change leaders as often as homerooms change class janitors of the week

4. [+366, -4] We all know the real leader is Jiyeon ㅋ

5. [+293, -8] Before, I used to think that taking turns being leader was an inventive system but now it just seems like they're only doing it so they don't fight over who is leader

6. [+241, -8] Changing the leader won't change anything

7. [+161, -6] Qri was originally a bassist in a band before Kwang Soo picked her up and stuck her in T-ara. She's really talented and pretty... should've just stuck with her band.

8. [+126, -3] Leaders are meaningless in this group. How can they control anything when the leader changes all the time?

9. [+114, -7] Just go back to your American swimming pools

10. [+99, -9] Came in here to read the comments and relieve some stress for the day...
