Psy to release a new album in September

Article: Psy to release a new album in September... "Working hard in America"

Source: Yonhap News via Naver

1. [+597, -21] The pressure from Gangnam Style is probably unimaginable

2. [+500, -19] Stop trying to follow Gangnam Style and just release a song that displays his true talents!!! He might end up with a song greater than Gangnam Style then

3. [+387, -24] At this rate, I feel like we'll be losing the play on Korean words that he always used to incorporate into his raps... He's been improving in English as well.

4. [+351, -17] Stop trying to fit your songs to the preference of foreigners and just do as you've always done... Gangnam Style did well because it was Psy's style

5. [+333, -34] Yeah, let's go with a Psy style ㅎㅎㅎ Gentleman was honestly bad

6. [+256, -18] Don't try to relive Gangnam Style and just go back to your roots with a song like Champion please

7. [+215, -20] I hope the next song isn't like Gentleman. Try a new concept.

8. [+223, -34] Don't leave the music video production up to Yang Hyun Suk. He's the one that edited that trash of a controversial video... dammit! Psy, do it yourself!

9. [+152, -18] You can fail, just go with your own style. What foreigners loved about Gangnam Style was the addictive melody and your funny dance. Gentleman was too meta-focused and failed.

10. [+153, -33] Psy managed to increase the life span of the idol dominated K-Pop industry by a few years at least. If it wasn't for Psy, there would've been so many idol nobodies who disappeared a year ago. Be grateful for him.
