Kim Hyun Joong to make acting comeback with 'Age of Feeling'

Article: [Exclusive] Kim Hyun Joong to make acting comeback with 'Age of Feeling'

Sports Korea via Naver

1. [+107, -7] I hope his acting has improved

2. [+100, -16] *making fun of his poor pronunciation*

3. [+83, -10] *making fun of his poor pronunciation*

4. [+81, -16] I wonder if his acting's improved at all

5. [+85, -42] Can you please not act, it's so embarrassing... His face is quite handsome, though.

6. [+68, -33] I feel like his character will fit well with his real personality so I'm looking forward to it

7. [+54, -23] Sounds like it'll match well~~ Supporting you!

8. [+40, -12] Been waiting a while~ Show us something great. Kim Hyun Joong fighting!
