D-100 to college entrance exams, which celebrities are taking it?

Article: 'D-100 to college entrance exams', which celebrities will be taking it?

Source: OSEN via Naver

1995ers: Park Ji Bin, A Pink's Namju, 5dolls' Eungyo, Boyfriend's Minwoo, TEEN TOP's Changjo & Ricky.

1. [+107, -1] You write 'college entrance exams' and read it as 'special treatment'

2. [+84, -3] Can celebrities please stop going to school through special treatment. Other students spend a year without sleep, grinding to study so imagine how they feel when celebrities get in without any effort;;; Just be like Yoo Seung Ho and forego college altogether

3. [+72, -1] They're all going to get in through special treatment anyway

4. [+64, -2] Not like they study like regular high schoolers. They'll all get in to decent colleges through special treatment.

5. [+60, -2] What's the point of this article when they'll get in with special treatment

6. [+54, -0] Two public secrets of the entertainment industry: celebrity soldiers and special treatment college admissions. It's time that their attendances are checked and grades + assignments/reports are confirmed to be handed in. I'm pretty sure the majority of them not only don't deserve to be in the college they're attending but don't even have the grades to stay in it.

7. [+46, -2] When I was a high schooler, I used to be really upset about celebrities and athletes getting into college through special treatment but now I don't care as much anymore because it's not like they're going to be competing with me in the work force anyway. It's just unfair that they take seats away from really smart people who deserve it.

8. [+38, -0] Just don't disturb the students who have put their lives on the line for this exam. Get into the exam room quietly through the back door, please.
