SISTAR wins #1 on 'Music Core'

Article: SISTAR 'Music Core' #1 for 2 weeks in a row...

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+974, -87] I think SISTAR has overtaken KARA now

2. [+860, -72] SISTAR worked hard straight from the bottom up so I feel like them winning means more to them. I hope they continue to do well.

3. [+757, -85] Representative girl groups of 2013 are 4minute and SISTAR. T-ara's already failed so they're in last in the girl group ranking.

4. [+645, -33] I think they timed their comeback at the right time... They can easily go for three weeks of wins because there's no competition for them right now.

5. [+547, -21] I really want Hyorin to stop tanning...

6. [+672, -148] There's no law that says SNSD has to be the #1 girl group forever. SISTAR is on the rise lately. Be honest with yourself, 'The Boys' and 'I Got a Boy' had no public appeal.

7. [+436, -29] Hyorin's award speech was so long ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+503, -122] Vote up for SISTAR, down for 4minute

9. [+376, -55] SISTAR is definitely the trend lately... Liking them more and more.

10. [+208, -31] There's really no competition for them right now... They're a wall you can't climb over. I think they're going to be winning on all 3 programs for 3 weeks no problem.
