Mir's oldest sister makes a surprise appearance

Article: Mir's oldest sister/Go Eun Ah's unni makes a surprise appearance on 'Mamma Mia', a beautiful household

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+310, -5] Everyone in Mir's household has the same nose and mouth

2. [+215, -8] I think anyone would be able to tell that Mir's family is related ㅋㅋ Go Eun Ah and Mir in particular look so alike, they're like twins

3. [+31, -5] She's pretty but I'm more surprised over the fact that she's a mother..

4. [+21, -4] They all look related but the oldest nuna is the prettiest... But she's already married.

5. [+21, -2] Way prettier than Go Eun Ah;;;;;
