Henry unveils 'Trap' performance

So many Henry requests, this is all I could find TT.


Article: Henry's first solo track 'Trap' unveiled 'rhythmical + modern'

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+30, -4] Henry!! Such a charismatic and cool solo ^^ Promote healthily and continue to show us a positive image. I'll always be supporting you, fighting!

2. [+24, -2] The song itself sounds great but it will all come down to how SM markets them and how Henry pulls the song off.

3. [+17, -1] I listened to Trap and thought it sounded great. Good to see it up on the search rankings... His piano performance was powerful and the choreography looks good too.. I have a feeling it'll be a hit!

4. [+18, -2] Henry! Congrats on your first solo track~ Work hard on your promotions and hit daebak!

5. [+15, -2] I'm not a Suju fan but I thought the stage was better than I expected ㅋㅋ and Taemin and Kyuhyun don't seem like features at all.. ㅋㅋ the three of them seemed like a trio, actually.
