Girl's Day's new track to be a 'charismatic & sexy' concept

Article: [Exclusive] Girl's Day's new track concept 'charisma & sexy'

X Sports news via Naver

1. [+161, -16] Hasn't Girl's Day overtaken Rainbow now?

2. [+139, -10] I bet the army likes this news

3. [+120, -9] Imagine if Girl's Day never switched their image to sexy. They never would've landed a chicken CF and 30 events. They've already done enough cute concepts.

4. [+114, -17] Aside from Yura, none of the members even match the sexy concept. They should stick with the cute.

5. [+102, -12] As a man, I'm honestly jealous of Tony...

6. [+81, -9] Girl's Day's cute concepts all fared poorly... Hug Me Once ranked 9th on Mubank, Oh My God in 17th, Don't Forget Me in 19th... and then they switch to sexy and become first place nominees. Cute concept doesn't work anymore. SECRET's Poison did better than Yoohoo.

7. [+63, -4] They're kind of going down a path similar to KARA with the way they pushed the cute concept at first. They're also similar in that they got their big break after adding new members.

8. [+38, -5] I have a feeling all of the SECRET, T-ara, and IU fans will jump ship for Girl's Day if they do well enough ㅋㅋㅋ This is a good opportunity for the group to solidify a position for themselves. A once in a lifetime opportunity, actually.
