Yuri to make big screen debut with 'No Breathing'

Article: Soshi Yuri to star in 'No Breathing'... triangle relationship with Lee Jong Suk and Seo In Guk

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+136, -77] I can kind of understand the decision after hearing that it's a movie about swimming because the Soshi members always praised Yuri for looking the most beautiful when swimming ㅋㅋ I guess we'll be able to see her swimming skills

2. [+129, -72] She has great actors like Lee Jong Suk and Seo In Guk to lead her and bring out some chemistry so I feel it'll be okay. First of all, the visuals are fantastic! Hopefully there will be swimsuit scenes?

3. [+118, -66] I remember reading somewhere that her character was a swimmer... maybe she's a musician who becomes a swimmer? Either way, looking forward to it

4. [+52, -18] At least visuals alone makes it worth watching ㅋㅋㅋ As for acting... I have to trust that they all got better.. not only Yuri but Lee Jong Suk isn't that great either ㅎㅎ

5. [+28, -15] I actually think the male leads aren't well known enough to be able to pull an entire movie on their own... Although the scriptwriter is famous, can the movie make a hit on just the scriptwriter's name alone?
