Same Old: Sunye

Article: JYP "Sunye's 4 months into her pregnancy, plans to give birth in Canada"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+855, -48] I'm a Sunye fan but she really needs to consider leaving the Wonder Girls... The other members need to eat and live, you know

2. [+768, -38] The Wonder Girls are practically disbanded. She can't possibly promote as a singer after giving birth in Canada and raising her kid there.

3. [+658, -266] I'm not a Sunye fan but I don't get why people are hating on her and accusing her of a 'maternity trip'??? Her husband is Canadian and her newlywed home is in Canada so isn't it definite that she'd give birth in Canada? Jeez!

4. [+174, -5] She's so selfish. As if getting married in the middle of promotions wasn't enough, she's pregnant on top of that. She should leave the group and let the other members go about their ways. She definitely knows that she's limiting the group by staying in it but she refuses to leave...

5. [+173, -19] My image of Sunye has dropped considerably. Getting married was her choice but she should know that the opportunity for the members she trained with and debuted to stand on stage and perform will be limited thanks to her. I'd be pissed if I was in the same group as her.

6. [+113, -3] If she's a leader, she shouldn't be so selfish, especially if she got married anyway when her members were crying and begging her to put it off. I get that she grew up poor and wants to be compensated for it by marrying herself off to a rich Canadian missionary but she shouldn't limit the other members to improve her life...

7. [+75, -10] Give birth in Canada and stay there... Don't come back to Korea just to promote with the Wonder Girls. If you come back to Korea after giving birth in Canada, you've basically proven that it was nothing but a maternity trip.

8. [+54, -8] Don't ever come back to become a singer again, you traitor. She acts all nice up front but she's filling up her pockets behind the curtains.

9. [+54, -11] Welp, if her kid's a male, it will be exempt from military service.

10. [+48, -2] She hasn't left the group yet? ㅋ

11. [+44, -3] Yeeun chatted with their fans in their fancafe and said that she and the members cried and asked Sunye to put off getting married but they all eventually backed down for her happiness... So how can she betray them and get pregnant on top of that? I agree with the other best replies saying that she's trying to get compensated for growing up poor by marrying herself off to a rich man. Sunye doesn't have to worry about an income anymore but the other members need to put food on the table still, so why is she holding them back?
