Park Shin Hye reveals she considered plastic surgery

Reader request.


Article: Park Shin Hye "Split nose end, I considered plastic surgery"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,366, -41] She's a daebak and rare natural beauty who hasn't done any plastic surgery, not even dental procedures or touched a beauty mark on her face. Maybe that's why whenever the camera makes a close up on her face, it's so comfortable watching her because she's so pretty... When the camera close ups on other celebrities, the plastic surgery is really noticeable.

2. [+940, -38] Park Shin Hye nuna is just bursting with charms and daebak pretty...

3. [+904, -35] She's a natural beauty, of course she's different

4. [+859, -36] She has a face you can trust

5. [+729, -20] I hope she never gets plastic surgery in the future. She's pretty enough as it is. With so many plastic surgery monsters running around lately, it's natural beauties like her that catch your eye.

6. [+636, -22] A face that receives love even with the slightest smile

7. [+627, -35] I never used to know what was so pretty about her in the past but looking at her now, she's definitely pretty

8. [+371, -14] It's going to be really rare to see a natural beauty like Park Shin Hye in the future... because everyone gets plastic surgery lately. It's harder to find someone who hasn't had any work done.

9. [+340, -13] Gangnam plastic beauties can spend all the money they want, they'll never come close to natural beauties. Not only are their faces ugly, but their personalities are just as ugly.

10. [+301, -15] She's really an example of someone who worked their way from the bottom up with beauty and acting talent to boot.
