Hyuna wows with her legs
Article: [Photoen] 4minute Hyuna 'just a shirt?' disappearance of pants
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+231, -21] I can see her pants just fine, I think it's the journalist's eye balls that have disappeared
2. [+232, -49] Hyuna seriously has a pretty body
3. [+182, -30] Look at her legs.....
4. [+22, -5] Hyuna has a lot more female fans than you'd think, yup. I love her.
5. [+19, -3] She seriously has killer legs... I want to live just one day with legs like hers before I die TT
6. [+17, -7] I'm a girl and I like Hyuna... but so many people around me hate her ㅜㅜ She's pretty but she honestly really matches the sexy concept.. and it's not like she's ever disrespectful or anything so it sucks to see her get so much hate.
7. [+16, -1] She looks better with white skin, why does she keep tanning herself
8. [+11, -2] She looks way better without those half cut fish net stockings she's been wearing