Horan questions why living with your s/o before marriage is bad

Bit of BG: Korean society in general is really adverse to people living with their significant others before marriage because it's assumed you're going to be having sex all the time, etc. If it's found that you have history of having lived with a bf/gf (especially for girls), it's seen as a negative past and grounds for break up. I see tons of posts come up on Pann and other boards all the time of girls scared about their fiances finding out about their past of having briefly lived with someone and whether or not to tell them and risk being dumped.


Article: Horan's confident statement "Why is living with your s/o before marriage bad?"

Source: OSEN via Nate

Geum Bora: "It's ridiculous to live your life by living with one person and breaking up with them and then living with another person and breaking up with them. Just because you're living away from your parents does not mean you're competely separated from them. Parents have decision making rights in the lives of their children."

Horan: "Why is living with your s/o before marriage a bad thing? It's the stigma attached to it that's bad because there's nothing wrong with living with someone you love. Even if you end up breaking up with that person, that's the responsibility of the individual, not his or her parents. Times are changing and I'm not asking for people to view this as a good thing but to view it with an open mind and accept that it happens."

1. [+513, -87] "Even if you end up breaking up with that person, that's the responsibility of the individual, not his or her parents." She's right.

2. [+490, -108] I feel like Horan would be the type of mom who when her daughter approaches her about living with someone before marriage, she wouldn't reprimand her but rather sincerely ask if that man loves her, if she can trust that person, how she's going to protect her body, what birth control she's going to use, etc. Horan seems like a very open minded person... I like that she doesn't think of her child as her possession.

3. [+398, -207] Well she's not wrong. You can find out about whether you really want to marry this person or not by living with them beforehand since it's a life changing decision that only comes once or twice in your life. The bad thing is the stigma attached to it and the idiots who treat you like a sl*t if you do it.

4. [+79, -18] People need to stop thinking that living with someone pre-marriage = sex. You can have sex without necessarily living with them, you know.

5. [+66, -61] She will find out why it's bad when she has kids of her own and her kids say what she's saying now...

6. [+61, -19] Think about your fiance having a history of living with someone else before marriage. How does that make you feel? I would totally dump my girlfriend if I found out that she had a past like that to her.

7. [+56, -0] You all better tell the truth about your past to your future husbands or wives before you get married

8. [+53, -4] People should only choose to live together if they're really set on getting married in the future. For any other reason, it's just dirty. You're basically admitting that you want to enjoy a non commital sex life, which I see a lot of people choose to do.

9. [+37, -3] I doubt everyone in favor of living together before marriage would like it if their own bf/gf had such a past to them. If the person I was going to marry had such a past, I'd break up with them immediately.

10. [+34, -4] I'm only for it if you're engaged and you have the permission of both sides of the parents.

11. [+32, -1] I don't really care what people do, as long as they don't lie about it and make sure to tell whoever they date next that they have such a past to them.

12. [+26, -0] The problem is that the people who do go through with it and end up breaking up never tell their next partner that they have a past to them. I don't care what other people do but I don't want the person I love to have a past like that to them. I'd be so pissed off if we got married and I only found out then.