Hollywood: Rihanna and Chris Brown break up

Article: Chris Brown and Rihanna officially end their relationship

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Naver

1. [+255, -4] Any man who hits a woman can do it again after the first time. I hope they never get back together again.

2. [+224, -2] Of course they should break up ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

3. [+167, -2] So they eventually broke up. I'm just glad Rihanna doesn't have a bruise on her face this time.

4. [+135, -1] Rihanna's just as crazy of a bi*ch, who would think of getting back together with someone who hit you

5. [+122, -6] I don't think it's right to criticize Rihanna for anything. Men who hit women do it in the slyest manner possible... They tame them in a way. They'll hit her and then start crying and apologizing immediately to hold them down. It's one of the methods used by pimps to keep their room salon girls in line. It's a scary tactic.

6. [+92, -0] Still amazed she even thought of getting back together with him.

7. [+90, -0] More amazed that they're only '89 and '88ers...

8. [+86, -3] Rihanna's a little screwed in the head but she could still do better than him... They should stay apart, they had better songs when they weren't together anyway
