G-Dragon uses a cane to get around

Article: 'Leg injury' G-Dragon, stretches after handing over cane... "I'm okay"

Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+206, -14] What is he wearing..;;

2. [+171, -52] Watch Yong Junhyung come out with a cane later ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+155, -51] Is he really hurting or is he just carrying that cane around as a fashion prop ㅡㅡ

4. [+39, -18] In movies, they break canes like that and find drugs inside you know

5. [+35, -16] I don't get why he'd use a cane instead of crutches... Seriously, there's a limit to everything. I used to be a fan but he's just not cool anymore, I realize he's just a tryhard.
