'2011 Miss Korea' reveals her "1 day, 0 meals" diet

Article: '2011 Miss Korea' Lee Sung Hye reveals the secret to her body "1 day 0 meals, only nuts"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

She eats 0 meals a day. Nuts for breakfast and protein shakes/vitamins for dinner.

1. [+370, -9] Don't copy things like this. It messes up your insides and you'll be in the hospital once you're older.

2. [+220, -2] How can she call that living?

3. [+127, -26] "1 day, 0 meals" is not good for your body but it's been academically proven that "1 day, 1 meal" or eating minimally is good for living a long life. The reason the Japanese live for so long is because they eat mainly vegetables in minimal amounts. Even though Koreans eat just as many vegetables, we have a shorter lifespan than them because we eat a lot more. America may have issues with obesity because they overeat on meat and carbs but Koreans are just as at risk for stomach and colon cancer with the way we overeat.

4. [+28, -0] Honey Lee seems to have the healthiest life out of all of the Miss Koreas. This Miss Korea is still trapped in her glory days and desperately trying to recreate that image for herself... such a tiring life to live.

5. [+23, -1] What a way to glamorize "starving" by calling it "1 day, 0 meals" ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+21, -2] She's going to get osteoperosis and all sorts of diseases when she gets old...

7. [+16, -0] She's not that pretty.. basically a tall skeleton. Men hate women with her body type~

8. [+13, -0] She's basically telling us to starve ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I remember another best reply saying that she'd rather eat everything she wants, exercise, and live the rest of her life as a healthy pig.
