[WTF] Sports channel show host criticized for WILDLY REVEALING SEXY dress

Telzone: A dress you could never wear on public broadcast

1. Shouldn't those types of dresses not even be allowed on cable as well???? I only ever saw girls wear those types of dresses in room salons...

2. Totally something those prostitute unnis would wear. Her coordi has to be crazy to receive sponsored clothing from a room salon... and I think even this dress would be considered more on the erotic side in room salons.

3. I feel like we'll soon reach a state where celebrities come out dressed in lingerie and we'll be grateful they're at least covered up.

4. Totally clothes room salon girls would wear

5. Oh my Johnson~

6. Is this young lady exposing herself like this so she can catch some wealthy man?

7. Well, the main audience for sports channels are men so the outfit seems fitting.

8. I felt embarrassed for her watching this on TV. Did she have to wear that?? Host another show if you want to expose yourself that badly instead of baseball!!
