Va va voom Taeyeon

Article: Taeyeon's fantaken photos, voluminous reversal body... 'a rising bagel girl'

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+118, -9] Uh! That's not Taenggoo's chest? No way it could be!

2. [+123, -22] She really... padded up.....

3. [+99, -17] No...

4. [+30, -10] Padding;

5. [+28, -4] I've been a personal Taeyeon fan for 5 years and that's not Taeyeon's chest. She's... using something else.

6. [+27, -8] Taeyeon's considered glamorous now? ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

7. [+27, -5] Even as a guy, I can tell that the shape is a bit off...

8. [+23, -7] The real bagel girl is Sunny....

9. [+21, -1] I'm betting my girlfriend that it's padding

10. [+17, -0] Journalists call everything a bagel lately... Shove a bagel in their mouths.
