TV: [Spoilers!!!] Nine

Reader request.


Article: 'Nine', have you ever watched a more thrilling reversal drama?

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+196, -4] This is the first time I've had goose bumps from head to toe just over watching a drama... I seriously got goose bumps when Sunwoo, who was supposed to be dead, came out on the news with the cheers of a new year... Wow, this drama is just... daebak... The makjang they come up with can't even compare to the public broadcast dramas. tvN dramas really are top notch these days.

2. [+127, -4] Just daebak through and through... I didn't even think of the medicine bag!!! Nine seriously beats out any drama in its time slot on the public broadcast channels. I heard the scriptwriter is from High Kick... She's amazing at reversing plots.

3. [+112, -2] Goose bumps. Serious goose bumps when the medicine bag was picked up in the past and the memory was exchanged with the present doctor.

4. [+24, -0] This drama is so, so, so, so, so amazing!!!!!!!!!!! tvN dramas are just daebak!!!!!! I couldn't take my eyes off of every scene last night.

5. [+22, -0] No need for any further words. The best drama for Monday and Tuesday.

6. [+22, -0] This drama would've hit daebak had it aired on public broadcast. I like how cable dramas take themes and plots that public broadcast channels are too scared to try. With public broadcast dramas, you can usually predict the ending by the end of the first episode... but we're already 9 episodes in with Nine and I seriously don't have a clue!
