Same Old: Netizens search for Hyeri's pants, T-ara shows off popularity in Taiwan

Article: [Photo] Girl's Day Hyeri, 'where are her pants?'

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+289, -48] They're in Tony's luggage

2. [+264, -60] On top of Tony's bed

3. [+253, -82] She really grabbed herself a good sponsor ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+47, -9] Hyeri really needs to be thankful to Tony ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Nobody even knew Girl's Day existed and now we get an article about her all the time ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+30, -7] We're getting a Hyeri article every single day since their scandal ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: 'M Countdown' Girl's Day Hyeri, same stage after dating rumors with Tony

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+126, -12] I don't count on this couple getting married

2. [+106, -18] Proves that money can buy anything ㅋㅋ

3. [+90, -35] Her make up's too thick, she looks like an ajumma


Article: [Star Column - Girl's Day] Part 1. The girls in love

Source: Naver Ent. via Naver

1. [+330, -60] Nobody ever cared about them before but we've been getting nonstop articles about them ever since the scandal... This has gone on for long enough.

2. [+294, -61] Why are there so many articles about them now? Did they get a sponsor?

3. [+255, -49] Is this that group with the kid dating an ajusshi 16 years older than her?

4. [+157, -32] Too many articles about them now

5. [+60, -9] So many comments calling her 'Tony's Girl'... I bet it's going to just turn into her official name soon at the rate people are spamming it. Her last name will be 'Tony's Girl' and her name will be Hyeri. Tony's Girl Hyeri...;;;


Reader request.

Article: 'M! Countdown' T-ara, unlike their wavering in popularity in Korea, they show off the best popularity in Taiwan

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+536, -31] Then go live in Taiwan, b*tches

2. [+447, -30] Such amazing women...... They have the amazing power of turning your mood sour just by looking at their picture.

3. [+412, -31] As long as Korea is their main area of promotion, it doesn't matter how popular you are overseas. They think they can still gain a profit by forcing the releases of their digital songs and event promotions. Please, boycott them properly. Don't even listen to their song out of curiosity.

4. [+38, -4] Well obviously since Korea isn't working for them anymore, they have to promote overseas

5. [+33, -3] Stay in Taiwan, then~ and don't come back
