Same Old: IU

Article: IU's shy pre-debut photo 'like a character out of a comic book'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+224, -82] And this child will grow up to eat anchovies

2. [+237, -124] 1. three high notes 2. gain popularity 3. drop to being titled as a user of men 4. put up a picture once status is at stake 5. bubble bursts, forget original career and transfer to acting 6. bubble bursts even harder

3. [+202, -109] debut >> market as talented with guitar playing and singing >> gain popularity as a talented solo female through high notes >> accidentally show your true colors as a user of men (making Wooyoung pay for an entire meal) >> gain back popularity with a similar song >> I've never had a first love, I've never had my first kiss hehe >> no matter what I do, I never get hate!!! shall I test my fants? >> upload picture >> bubble bursts >> become known as two faced >> it's been a while since her bubble burst but she thinks she's still popular and is starting acting

4. [+35, -26] If only not for Anchovy, all the money of the blind uncle fans could've been hers

5. [+30, -22] Poor IU... Twitter really is a waste of your life.
