M.I.B. hops on the traffic law violation bandwagon

Article: [Exclusive] 'On top of the sun roof'... MIB criticized for insensitivity to safety

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

Netizens were "apparently" making a big deal out of a member violating traffic laws by sticking himself out of a sun roof.

1. [+67, -5] Noise marketing

2. [+53, -7] What does that make Psy's music video then ㅋㅋ sexual harassment? ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+27, -0] Then everyone in action movies and dramas should be arrested for gun possession. Way to fabricate your own controversy...

4. [+16, -4] Just admit you're doing this for attention

5. [+9, -0] Journalist, how much did they pay you for this article? No one even cares about this supposed controversy and you put out an 'exclusive' on it ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: MIB reps "We apologize for the misunderstanding... the controversial scene was filmed on top of a trailer"

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+29, -2] I clicked into this misreading it as MLB... Sorry, I thought it was about baseball..

2. [+20, -1] Do they think our nation's youth are as stupid as the need to explain all of this?

3. [+23, -4] Such a variety of ways that nobody groups media play lately ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+18, -2] Never even knew this was a controversy...

5. [+12, -3] They make up their own controversy and come out and explain it on their own as well... So much noise marketing. Sorry, but no one was interested.
