Lee Haeri talks about comparisons between SISTAR's Hyorin

Reader request.


Article: Davichi Haeri speaks out on vocal comparisons with SISTAR Hyorin

Source: Newsen via Nate

"Hyorin and I have different styles. I think I'm better at Korean songs and Hyorin is better at pop/foreign songs."

1. [+453, -95] Ehh, no matter what she says, we all acknowledge that Lee Haeri is better ㅋㅋ

2. [+417, -77] Hyorin's talented no doubt but judging on vocal talent alone, Lee Haeri has a wall around her that no idol title can ever climb over...

3. [+371, -76] Lee Haeri wins

4. [+51, -3] I would expect Lee Haeri to be compared to people like Kim Yunji or Jang Heeyoung, not Hyorin ㅋㅋ

5. [+51, -19] I prefer Heari's style over Hyorin's... Her voice isn't as hard to listen to and she has a way of wrapping you up with her singing.

6. [+42, -10] They're both awesome but I think Haeri takes care of her voice a lot better. Maybe because Hyorin practices so much but I think she loses her voice often ㅠ

7. [+32, -10] I don't think Hyorin is the right person to compare Lee Haeri to... Her performances on Immortal Song 2 have always been stunning, emotions that I doubt Hyorin could pull off...

8. [+32, -17] Haeri has a cleaner delivery. You can tell Hyorin's struggling whenever directors make her perform Beyonce covers at year-end specials... I feel like they don't give her those covers for the vocal talent but because she has darker skin like Beyonce.

9. [+26, -8] It's honestly difficult to judge who's better right now because they're both so great, but I think there will be a distinction a couple years from now. Hyorin's throat condition is a mess these days when you listen to her;; Even on Vitamin, she said her throat was completely out. If she doesn't start taking care of herself now, she might never recover, although she's miles ahead of most idols even now.
