Hong Soo Ah 'terrorizes' viewers with her historically inaccurate wedding dress

Article: Hong Soo Ah, this time it's a dress controversy? A wedding dress in a historical drama...

Source: Herald news via Nate

1. [+382, -7] Reminds me of what my history teacher used to say... Error-filled historical dramas are ruining the historical knowledge of the public ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+345, -19] I never saw the episode but a swear immediately escaped my lips the minute I saw the picture ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why aren't the producers doing their research? I understand that it's a drama and there's a certain level of exaggeration that's involved but this is just crossing the line.

3. [+286, -23] What's wrong with the outfit team ㅡㅡ? I almost spit watching yesterday's broadcast... out of ridiculousness.


'Outfit terror' Hong Soo Ah, "Too passionate" explanation

Source: OSEN via Nate

KBS explained that Hong Soo Ah was so passionate about her role that she prepared her own wedding dress for the scene instead of the one already prepared by the drama's outfit team.

1. [+452, -16] I thought KBS was crazy at first but even KBS was against it. Look at that determination to wear that wedding dress... Hong Soo Ah, what an amazing celebrity. A celebrity that advertises how stupid she is.

2. [+430, -12] Hong Soo Ah's passion: Screw historical research, I have to look pretty no matter what, I have to be unique and stand out. KBS asked her not to wear it but apparently nobody could break her determination. The drama is turning into a mess because of a princess-diseased actress.

3. [+390, -8] Passion my butt... She probably just wanted to look pretty.

4. [+102, -1] Since when was Hong Soo Ah such a high profile actress??? Is her sponsor powerful??? She's completely disregarding the genre and working under her own narcissism.. tsk tsk look at that plastic face, how is that the face of an actress.. Rather the face of a plastic monster.

5. [+91, -4] Hong Soo Ah's a real disappointment lately... Instead of working hard for the drama, it seems like she's just working to look pretty and have more photo opps


Article: 'Outfit controversy' Hong Soo Ah "It's the fault of my greed... Throw rocks at me" apology

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+324, -7] Wedding Peach cosplay ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+289, -11] How disappointing... Don't be so greedy next time. You were greedy with your face and look what happened, you ruined your pretty face. You said you wanted to act so just act.

3. [+276, -10] Looking at it more closely, that dress really was bad... I think it's even more outlandish than most wedding dresses these days ㅋㅋㅋ
