Hollywood: Beyonce, Dakota Fanning, Macaulay Culkin

Article: Beyonce's amazing spread leg pose 'definitely'

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+131, -8] If Beyonce had been Korean, she would've been badgered so much about being fat and having to lose weight

2. [+116, -37] Even with her talent and her level of performance skills, she would've been hated till she turned to dust if she was a Korean artist... ㅎ Sigh, such is the reality here

3. [+129, -70] A guy like me would crumble under one flex from Beyonce, right?


Article: Dakota Fanning looking tired to the point of not being able to recognize her 'cuteness disappeared'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+172, -7] Don't worry, Hollywood stars go back to looking how they usually do once money is deposited in their banks

2. [+85, -16] Dakota Pae-in (TN: 'pae-in' is what you'd use to describe someone who looks unkempt)

3. [+38, -1] The difference between America and Korea is that Hollywood has so many paparazzis that it's easy for celebrities to be caught looking less than their best at any moment. In Korea, journalists don't really care about taking pictures of stars coming out of pubs or looking tired so I guess we're a bit more lax when it comes to our treatment of stars.

4. [+25, -3] Seems like when foreign stars go on break, they REALLY go on break

5. [+24, -7] I remember whenever Americans came to Korea, they would say that every single woman in Korea always looked like they were dressed to go off to a party... And no, they're not complimenting our fashion skills, they're poking at our obsession with looking perfect on the outside.

6. [+18, -0] It's not only our celebrities, but Koreans in general that are so obsessed with how others view them that they're willing to go to great lengths, even hypocrisy, to present the best image of themselves... and I admit that even I'm like that, as much as I freely admit it ㅠ

7. [+14, -1] Hollywood makes me so envious... Americans seem like they're so free, walking around without any make up and still being okay... Well, Korean women have to put on a full face of make up just to go out to the convenience store in front of their house ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: Macaulay Culkin tells Mila Kunis "Throw away Kutcher and come to me"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+114, -4] Sit down and think about what you just said for a second. Would you want to leave someone for yourself?

2. [+85, -1] I feel so bad for him..

3. [+70, -4] Well, I guess you can tell what state of mind he's in judging by the red nail polish on his nails............

4. [+26, -2] If only he grew up just as he was when he was little without any discord... He'd be shooting so many movies right now... What happened..

5. [+21, -0] This upsets me... feels like my young Christmas memories are being crushed...

6. [+19, -0] Just stay home alone
