Daniel admits to all charges at his first trial

Article: 'First trial' Daniel, admits to marijuana charges... "I'm sorry" drops head

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+264, -10] Not only is he a nobody, but he's also a criminal

2. [+259, -18] Change your fu*king name already. Because of you, Choi Daniel is getting dragged into this for no reason.

3. [+144, -2] Is this that Dalmatian group that changed their name to something else?

4. [+24, -4] Who are you?! -_-

5. [+10, -1] Who? Articles about non-celebrity crimes should be categorized in the 'society' section, not entertainment


Article: 'Marijuana' Daniel admits to all charges... Bianca fails to show up

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+593, -12] If everyone in the industry were tested for drugs, kids like him would be nothing compared to the results that would come out

2. [+492, -9] Man, I thought Choi Daniel did marijuana for a second

3. [+452, -11] This crime may be not that big of a deal in whatever country he's from, but like the saying when in Rome, do as the Romans do, he's gotta put up with our law no matter how frustrating ㅎㅎ

4. [+503, -80] Bianca's probably pissed since it's legal in her country but illegal here

5. [+322, -14] I don't know who Daniel is but I think it's worth giving him credit for at least admitting his mistakes
