'Brown Eyed Boys' LC9 reveals a member

Article: 'Brown Eyed Boys' rookie group decides on LC9 as their team name, member JayHyo's photo revealed

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate + Naver

1. [+82, -8] The picture kind of looks like something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  ㅋㅋ

2. [+64, -9] I guess we'll find out when they release something whether they're as talented as the BEG really are or if the company is lying

3. [+14, -0] Way too much photoshop...

4. [+11, -0] Are they an alien group?

5. [+9, -0] Why is his face 3D....

6. [+8, -0] Even sticker pictures don't go that far with the blur effect...

7. [+7, -0] Looks like some cyber singer image concept

8. [+7, -0] This kid's already debuting with the worst picture of his career
