Army reveals there's a 'high chance' Se7en will serve as a celebrity soldier

Article: Se7en appointed as a rifleman in a normal unit, not celebrity soldier

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+370, -14] Rain seems to have made history with his celebrity soldier service ㅋㅋㅋ He's turned them all into public service

2. [+264, -14] All because of Rain, none of these guys can go down the route of celebrity soldiers anymore ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+255, -12] Get rid of celebrity soldiers now.


Article: Recruit training battalion "Se7en was not appointed to the 135th battalion but as a promotional soldier"... cafe message retracted

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

"On the 21st, a notice was put up revealing Se7en to have been appointed to the 135th battalion. However, the matter has not been decided internally and we will reveal his unit as soon as schedules are completed. Although there's nothing confirmed yet, there's a high chance that he will be appointed as a promotional soldier."

1. [+328, -14] Yoo Seung Ho is really amazing when you look at cases like this

2. [+317, -20] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I knew he'd half a$$ and serve as a celebrity soldier

3. [+284, -26] Rain or Se7en, they'll all come out and make money in the end by talking about their service on variety shows

4. [+234, -17] And here goes Se7en back on the chopping block...

5. [+226, -21] Just like Rain with Kim Tae Hee, Se7en will leave for 1~2 weeks at a time to "prepare" for an album promoting the army, to "prepare" for performances ㅋㅋ This is the army, not the boy scouts

6. [+199, -16] Fu*kers going to come out every weekend to see Han Byul

7. [+180, -16] Yep, knew we should've gotten rid of celebrity soldiers

8. [+157, -12] 'Real Men' does a better job of promoting the army than celebrity soldiers

9. [+136, -14] Yeah, that's what I thought

10. [+125, -15] Didn't he also shoot a pictorial right before his enlistment ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Isn't he ashamed in front of Yoo Seung Ho, who's 10 years younger than him
