Woori reveals girl groups draw on abs and cleavage

Article: Rainbow Go Woori, "Abs and cleavage are drawn on by make up shadows"

OSEN via Naver

1. [+220, -4] Seems like all idols do it... Goo Hara, well, she not only pushes up her chest but also her soul to create some semblance of a cleavage

2. [+211, -4] It's only possible if you don't have any stomach fat to begin with

3. [+205, -3] I like that she's honest about it

4. [+172, -5] Are you serious? Make up is even being used for the body now?...

5. [+167, -4] I like that she's honest about it ^^!! Unlike other kids who are always lying about not getting any work done

6. [+87, -3] Aigoo Woori, why reveal that.. I always used to think Krystal's abs were real but I guess it was drawn on... I did think it was weird how it doesn't seem like she worked out but she had abs..

7. [+82, -9] Hyosung or G.NA don't need these tricks ㅋ

8. [+73, -8] Woori doesn't seem like a celebrity.. more like your college friend ㅋㅋㅋ
