Stardom faces another lawsuit

Article: Show Note files a lawsuit against Cho PD "Breached concert contract with Block B"

Newsen via Nate

Show Note and Stardom signed a concert/showcase contract with Block B, with Show Note paying an advance because they "trusted the status and influence of Cho PD". They claim that Cho PD and Stardom breached the contract and failed to rectify the matter or come up with a solution (TN: The contract was signed in September and a showcase was originally scheduled for the second half of 2012 but it never happened. Stardom instead built their new company building, etc).

Show Note is asking for a refund on their advance, reimbursement for showcase expenses, and a revocation of the contract.


1. [+113, -13] He didn't even serve in active duty and all he ever whines about are society's problems. Doesn't pay the people that deserve their money and b*tches about society's problems. (TN: Cho PD's songs are known for being critical of society, government and power)

2. [+83, -21] Stardom tried to pass off years old receipts as everything they've done for the group and now other companies are rising up ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Block B isn't the only victim with this company ㅋ Find strength, Block B

3. [+18, -3] Cho PD only has the talent of a supporting actor and yet he tries to take on roles much too big for himself to handle. This is why he's in such a mess.

4. [+12, -2] This company has the same problem with Stardom that Block B does... They approached them to fix what they did wrong and all Stardom did was ignore their requests.
