Shining examples of Korean journalism

Article: How to tell if you're an internet addict, the difference in meaning between using a computer during breaks

Source: X Sports News via Nate

Normal person: Ah, time to take a break (turns on the computer)
Internet addict: Ah, time to take a break (turns off the computer)

1. [+130, -7] How to tell if you're a crappy journalist
Normal journalist: Runs around on his feet in search of news worthy happenings
Crappy journalist: Hangs out on humor websites in search of content to turn into articles


Article: [Journalist Experience] Tonight, how about making a spicy instant noodle dish as a midnight snack?

Source: X Sports News via Nate

Wrote an entire article on his experience cooking up a popular instant dish that's all the rage now after being featured on the variety show 'Dad, Where are you going'. (I wish this was some guest blog entry or something else that made any semblance of sense but it's not).
