Netizens can't take a joke

Article: Simon D, April Fool's joke? Dynamic Duo "fu**!"

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+113, -22] Why is Simon D exempt from the military? I heard it was because of his vision but you're still classified as level three even if you get a minus with glasses. You have to be practically blind to get an exemption.. And of course he has no problem doing stuff as a celebrity. It's not like there's a separate vision for the military and the entertainment career.

2. [+103, -5] Hyungs, you can say this kind of stuff in your private chat rooms

3. [+100, -32] Joking around on their own? ㅋㅋ Imagine if this was a female celebrity saying stuff like this, you'd all be hating on her saying she sounds cheap ㅋㅋ Such hypocrisy

4. [+32, -1] It embarrasses me when the people who call themselves hip hop musicians in our country say things like "Fuc* you" just to copy American hip hop

5. [+29, -4] Should be saying shibal shibal, what the hell is "fu*k", do you think you're a yankee

6. [+28, -1] They're not even little kids anymore, what do they think they're doing... ;;; Obviously they're trying to look hard and cool but that kind of attitude should've been left behind when you graduated junior high school

7. [+26, -7] Tsk tsk what would you expect from people who do hip hop

8. [+25, -0] Look at all that hip hop pride... How embarrassing

9. [+23, -2] Why would you publicly tweet that... It's like they're begging for attention

10. [+18, -4] What utter trash. If you're a public figure, start acting like one, you trash.

11. [+17, -2] They've probably never studied a word of English in their lives but the ba$tards are all swearing in English... idiots..
