'Little Psy' reveals he was beat up at school after his debut

Article: 'Little Psy' Hwang Min Woo "After my debut, I was beat up and threatened at school"

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

1. [+680, -32] 10 years ago, there was a kid similar to him at my junior high school. He was talented in entertainment and was skilled in dancing and singing so whenever the school had an event or a festival, he'd always be called up to perform. The iljins, however, never viewed it as talent and just saw it as him showing off. Really, though, the kid never showed off or got in anyone's face about it and was always kind to everyone. The iljins still tortured him nonstop and he eventually transferred schools...

That made me realize that if you're living in Korea, it's better to just be average and live the middle life... Being better or ahead in one area will just make others who are jealous of your talent or success want to pull you down. This might be a trait specific to just Koreans, though...

2. [+525, -53] It's all his parents' fault... He was only popular momentarily but they thought he became a star and media played about him becoming a singer..

3. [+482, -19] Why does an innocent child deserve this ㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+436, -28] The thing that amazes me about Koreans is that saying... Koreans can withstand hunger but they will never withstand a stomach ache (TN: you're said to have a stomach ache if you're jealous of someone else's success) ㅋㅋ

5. [+313, -33] Just like an adult should act like an adult, a child should act like a child. What kind of 9 year old child wears sunglasses, has piercings, and dances like that? He doesn't even speak like a child.. Obviously this is the fault of the adults using him as a quick way to make money.
