Kwon Ri Sae diets down to 46 kg

Article: Kwon Ri Sae "Pronunciation fixed + diet... 46 kg now"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+200, -8] Kwon Ri Sae looked really natural and pretty during Birth of a Great Star... Where'd that image go, all I see is a plastic face now

2. [+192, -19] She says she's 46 kg but looking at her face alone, she looks 56 kg and chubby. And who in the world cakes on powder like that? Dewy, glowing skin is the trending make up look... she looks outdated.

3. [+142, -3] Where's the Kwon Ri Sae I know?

4. [+13, -2] I could never understand why she was so popular or what people liked her for  ㅡㅡ..

5. [+11, -1] She's now lost all her charms ... tsk tsk
