Kim Tae Woo's opinion on marriage brings about mixed reactions

Article: Kim Tae Woo "The bad part about marriage is that I have to share the money I make"

Source: Newsen via Nate

"There are both good and bad things about getting married. For the good parts, I feel like I've become more comfortable and like I'm back at my roots to work hard in life again. I also don't waste as much money. However, I don't like how I have to share the money I make."

1. [+275, -153] What's wrong with the women in our country? They're so hypocritical because if this was about any other topic, they'd call the people hating on the star pathetic but just because it concerns them, they're baring their teeth at him when he meant it as a joke. Look at your own hypocrisy before you vote me down...

2. [+188, -189] I don't know how appropriate that is to say after impregnating his wife... Maybe because I'm a married woman myself but I lost all interest in him after watching him say that.

3. [+169, -103] It does suck to share, it does... Imagine yourself working all day while your husbands sit at home.

4. [+165, -156] Then don't make money. Or don't get married. What does he want?

5. [+159, -56] People are taking something he said as a joke way too seriously...

6. [+39, -30] I didn't see the broadcast myself so I don't know about exactly what went down but it doesn't sound like anything you'd joke about no matter what

7. [+36, -21] He's basically saying he makes all the money that his wife just gets to live in... At this rate, he's going to call his future child a parasite.

8. [+32, -24] There's nothing funny about what he said. What kind of normal person would say that as a joke? Especially someone who's married and has a child, that's definitely not a joke. He makes his wife out to look like all she does is sit at home and spend money. Tae Woo-ya, that's not cool.

9. [+29, -22] Then why bother getting married? You can spend all your hard earned money you want while living by yourself.

10. [+27, -29] If so many men have such a problem with women staying at home, then don't marry a Korean woman. Such idiots ㅋ Men are the ones that never clean up after they eat, they demand that women keep having children on top of doing all the house work on top of working and helping out with the pills... So many demands ㅋㅋㅋ Just live by yourself, please.

11. [+26, -6] The mindset of Korean women:
The husband makes more money -> We're a couple so the money should be shared equally.
The wife makes more money -> I made the money so I decide what I want to do with it.

12. [+20, -5] His wife will be so upset to hear this... Wives in general aren't able to spend the money their husbands make so freely like that. They know how hard they work to earn it so they make sure to save every penny into savings and spend what they can for their children... The wife doesn't end up using any of it for herself ㅡㅡ

13. [+17, -5] Seems like he married a very normal Korean woman... tsk tsk tsk
