[Instiz] Seventeen's maknae members give me a mental breakdown

Hansol (born in 1998)

Lee Chan (born in 1999)

Samuel (born in 2002)
Source: Instiz
"98........... erasing all my thoughts before finding out he was born in '98."
"I never imagined there'd be a kid younger than Zelo..."
"I don't even want to calculate how old being born in 1998 would make you..."
"Pledis is taking a big gamble here.."
"As if having 17 members wasn't shocking enough.."
"That's right, I forgot people were still being born in 1998..."
"People were still being born in 2002??????ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"You all are going to jail."
"I don't think I'll be surprised if they debut an entire group of 6 year olds now."